Friday, July 13, 2007

Solar water-heating alert issued by Consumer's Institute

"Flat panel" solar water-heating system owners beware. If you have one of these solar water-heating systems, we advise having the panel checked for deterioration.
Gary Moller noticed a steady drop in the peak temperatures of the water from his Sola60 system.
He checked the panels on his roof, and discovered what looked like corrosion. The panels were replaced - twice - but the problem returned. Gary has since had his system removed, and received a refund. But this was only after he created a website documenting the problems."
Consumer's Institute Alert 31/05/2007
Gary Moller comments:
At last the story is finally out and now let's hope that the media will pick up this story and run with it.

As one industry insider commented to me yesterday: "this news is absolutely huge". So, why is it not huge news yet?

What I do take issue with is that the Consumer's Institute is focussing only on Sola60 when it is obvious that this is a problem that affects other makes and models.

The question must be asked: Why has Consumer not demanded a product recall when there is overwhelming evidence (As detailed on this site) of there being a serious and widespread problem? And why have there not been calls for a proper investigation to determine the extent?

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