Friday, July 13, 2007

Sola60 Promises to stand by its products and to look after its customers

29 May 2007
"Dear Mr Moller
Further to our earlier conversations, I confirm the panel discolouration issue identified on your web site relates to a limited historical issue.

To put this issue into perspective, Sola6O has installed over 10,000 panels throughout New Zealand and the number of warranty claims relating to any deterioration of the panel surface is around one percent.Sola6O has a continuous focus on research, development and product testing. This testing has confirmed the high performance of the current Sola6O product range and random audits of Sola6O installations provide an additional quality control measure.

I’d also like to confirm that SoIa6O stands behind the quality of its products and encourage any Sola6O customer that may have a concern about their panel to contact us on 0800 765 260, by emailing or by writing directly to:The Management TeamSola6O NZP0 Box 2310Tauranga

I would appreciate it if you would include these details on your web site to make it simple for customers to contact us should they have any questions or concerns about their Sola6O system.
Yours sincerely"
Sandra Bell
Business Manager
Gary Moller comments:
While it could be argued that Sandra is tactfully down-playing the full extent of the problem, this is wonderful news for Sola60 customers. So, congratulations to the management of Sola60 for taking a positive position for its customers!

It must be emphasised that Sola60 is not the only brand that is identified as having problems. These problems (as detailed on this website) include shoddy installation, inadequate lagging and no building consents as well as corrosion/discoloration or whatever one wants to call it.

Even if you are outside of your warranty, still raise the issue with Sola60 and please do let us know how you get on.If your installation does not have a building consent; but one is required (Check with your local Council), you should not have to pay the extra costs. Talk to the people who installed your system and who should have been responsible for obtaining the necessary consents.

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