So you do not have a Building Consent, your house insurance is compromised, it is going to take you months and the cost of getting a Certificate of Compliance is months away and already well over $1,000 in costs! Furthermore; the company that did the installation is taking cover and hiding from its responsibilities - playing smoke and mirrors by cunningly changing ownership between husband/wife/son. Other companies are using the aggressive direct approach and simply tellling their customers to go away!
Advisory and regulatory gencies and politicians are telling you that getting a building consent is your responsibility. There is no sign of there ever being a coordinated rescue package, let alone a product recall. This is an unconscionable exercise in damage control by those who helped make the mess. How dare they offer no help while shifting the blame onto the victim. My advice to the thousands of affected consumers is not to let them off the hook - make those responsible for this mess pay for the clean-up.
I have been receiving about three inquiries per day about this matter and I wonder when the agencies who should be showing leadership are going to step up to the plate?
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